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The Spanish tanning industry

Tanning is an industrial sector with a long-standing tradition in Spain: beginning amongst craftsmen, it has remained in place for centuries, evolving progressively to its current high technological level.

Tanning sector is made up by 98 companies employing some 2.300 workers.

The companies geographical distribution shows a strong concentration in the autonomous regions of Catalonia, Valencia, Murcia with some other tanneries spread over other provinces.

2018 tanning industry output reached 690 million euros.

Bovine leather output slightly exceeds 65% of the total sector production, followed by sheepskin wool and w/o wool on leather, with some 19%, being the remaining 16% distributed among goatskin, pigskin, rabbit and reptile leather.

TABLE 1. Clasification of the tanning industry by company size
Nº of workers Nº of industries
1-10 workers 41
11-20 workers 21
21-50 workers 18
51-100 workers 12
+100 workers 6

Leather external trade showed in 2018 presents a favorable balance, with an export figure of 370 million Euros and 307 million euros for imports. Export and import data include sales to the European Union.

The EU as a whole constitutes the main destination of the Spanish leather exports, accounting in 2018 for some 67% of the total export figure.

Main Spanish leather exports destinations are: Italy, Portugal, France, Morocco, China, Hong-Kong, Vietnam, South Korea, , Germany, Romania, India and U.K. which proves the prestige of the leather from Spain, due to its high content of design and fashion and to the quality of the hides.

TABLE 2. Tanning industry distribution by autonomous regions
Comunidad Nº de empresas Nº de trabajadores
TABLE 3. Evolution of the Spanish finished leather exports by geographical areas (th. €)
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Europe 263.615 239.834 245.263 254.829 246.240
Asia 94.562 74.524 67.474 63.118 69.420
Africa 34.102 34.541 36.012 37.717 46.467
America 7.748 8.337 7.704 7.697 7.969
Oceania 518 864 505 592 6.753
TOTAL 400.545 358.100 356.958 363.953 376.849
European Union 247.851 235.997 239.439 243.912 235.572
Eastern Europe 0 0 0 0 0
Other European Countries 1 0 7.609 0 0
TABLE 4. Spanish tanning industry production by value (thousands of €uro)
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Sole 28.185 26.775 24.605 24.359 24.113
Bobine 481.846 457.754 448.571 457.542 450.747
Ovine w/o wool 67.860 63.789 62.485 64.984 68.500
Goat 27.896 32.000 33.127 32.796 32.465
Others 63.945 60.747 54.044 53.504 52.964
Double Face 58.467 55.544 52.878 58.166 61.418
TOTAL 728.199 696.609 675.710 691.351 690.207
TABLE 5. Evolution of the Spanish finished leather exports by type of leather (thous. €)
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Bovine 226.727 208.065 216.822 227.837 229.938
Ovine w/o wool 50.346 44.704 40.160 36.241 38.826
Goat 16.142 20.835 21.636 19.369 18.844
Porcine 20.059 19.247 17.205 15.051 11.275
Otros 20.514 20.096 21.854 20.902 16.786
TOTAL CAP. 41 333.788 312.947 317.677 319.400 315.669
Double face 66.757 51.586 39.307 44.081 54.993
TOTAL 400.545 364.533 356.984 363.481 370.662
TABLE 6. Evolution of the Spanish finished leather imports by type of leather (thous. €)
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Bovino 337.085 270.226 268.158 239.740 234.582
Ovino sin 19.511 16.589 18.159 24.775 20.639
Caprino 33.778 34.280 24.979 25.868 24.200
Porcino 42.756 35.839 32.219 25.424 17.460
Otros 5.405 11.468 6.792 7.393 6.919
TOTAL CAP. 41 438.535 368.402 350.307 323.200 303.800
Double face 11.371 7.314 2.803 2.803 3.946
TOTAL 449.906 375.716 353.110 326.003 307.746
TABLE 7. Evolution of the main Spanish finished leather exports destinations (thousands of €uro)
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Italy 86.653 83.078 87.988 86.336 86.009
Portugal 59.233 60.296 61.687 61.866 54.714
France 58.198 48.297 49.755 56.841 54.346
Morocco 29.473 30.152 30.249 32.753 40.968
China 25.179 23.813 22.149 21.776 22.645
Germany 12.218 9.788 10.142 13.526 19.520
South Korea 13.714 9.186 10.428 8.756 13.047
United Kingdom 10.688 9.590 9.762 9.453 9.475
Turkey 9.404 7.101 4.924 7.575 6.635
Hong Kong 20.448 13.972 10.996 8.433 6.098
U.S.A. 5.228 6.242 5.347 3.879 4.052
TOTAL 330.436 301.515 304.988 311.194 317.509